Attorney Christopher Sochacki, who joined Cramer & Anderson in June 2015 as an Associate, has been named Partner at the largest regional law firm in western Connecticut.
“It was an incredible surprise when I found out,” said Attorney Sochacki.

His civil litigation practice focuses on personal injury, product liability, construction defects and medical malpractice, along with professional malpractice, workers’ compensation claims, employers’ liability and discrimination, and real estate errors and omissions.
“It is a privilege and honor to practice with Chris Sochacki and to be one of his law partners,” said Partner John Tower. “Chris is a highly-experienced courtroom veteran and is also a volunteer paramedic and EMT, and active community member. He brings a unique perspective to complex personal injury cases, using his medical expertise, personal empathy, and legal experience to represent our clients in a thorough and effective manner. Many judges and juries trust his judgment, just as I do.”
“Attorney Sochacki has been outstanding as an Associate for Cramer & Anderson,” added Senior Partner Ken Taylor. “He brings in significant Litigation and Personal Injury cases, among other valuable work, and summons his experience as an insurance defense litigator to produce notable outcomes that often exceed what other Partners thought was possible. As a young attorney and one of the anchors in the firm’s Litchfield office, Attorney Sochacki was named Partner to both reward his performance and inspire him to greater heights.”
Attorney Sochacki’s elevation to Partner officially takes effect Jan. 1.
The decision to join Cramer & Anderson after 17 years as an insurance defense litigator with a national firm was about helping people for Attorney Sochacki, who felt he needed to make more of a difference for individuals.
Attorney Sochacki has been making that difference in dramatic ways, developing a reputation within the firm as an attorney able to secure impressive outcomes in difficult cases.
In a Personal Injury case, other attorneys found problematic, Attorney Sochacki recently secured a settlement of $250,000.
He also settled a 2017 Personal Injury case involving soft tissue damage from a low-impact rear-end collision for an amount the mediator said exceeded settlements in nine of 10 comparable cases.
In a sensitive 2016 case involving a child who was subjected to a traumatic situation, Attorney Sochacki obtained a settlement totaling more than three times what some Partners had estimated was possible—without filing a lawsuit.
“It’s good to know we have someone who’s not afraid to also take tough cases,” Partner Barry Moller said of Attorney Sochacki.
A certified EMT and Paramedic, Attorney Sochacki is a member of New Hartford Volunteer Ambulance in the town where he lives with his wife, Julie, and their two sons. He also provides emergency management consulting around the state, and addresses EMS providers regarding legal issues, largely on a pro bono basis.
Attorney Sochacki works in the firm’s Litchfield office. He may be reached by email at and by phone at (860) 567-8718.
In addition to the Litchfield office, Cramer & Anderson has offices in New Milford, Danbury, Kent, Washington Depot, and a new office in Ridgefield, serving Fairfield County. For more information, see the website at or call the New Milford office at (860) 355-2631.