Cramer & Anderson is a Table Top Sponsor for the John Pettibone Memorial Scholarship Fund’s 75th Anniversary Celebration, taking place Oct. 17 at Housatonic River Brewing.
The event, from 6 to 9 p.m. features live music from ThePopRocksCT, food, and drinks.
Tickets, which should be purchased online, are $35 and include one drink ticket. There will also be a cash bar.
“We’re proud to support the wonderful John Pettibone Memorial Scholarship Fund in celebrating its 75th anniversary. It’s a nice fit with the firm’s Henry B. “Hank” Anderson Memorial Scholarships,” said Partner Ryan Henry.
Cramer & Anderson presents $500 scholarships each year to two New Milford High School graduating seniors in honor of Founding Partner Hank Anderson and his lifelong passion for learning. Anderson died in June 2019 at age 101.
The John Pettibone Memorial Scholarship Fund’s mission is to uphold John Pettibone’s principle that all deserving high school students be given the opportunity of higher education by providing scholarships and loans to those who might not otherwise have the means to obtain an advanced degree, according to the website. More than $60,000 in need-based scholarships are awarded each year.
The scholarship fund was established in 1949 in memory of John Pettibone, who for 42 years developed, guided, and inspired the New Milford public schools.

To learn more about the John Pettibone Memorial Scholarship Fund, see the website or send an email to JohnPettiboneScholar@gmail.com.
About Cramer & Anderson
Cramer & Anderson provides sophisticated legal services, close to home, with regional offices in New Milford, Litchfield, Danbury, and Ridgefield. For more information, see the firm’s website or call the flagship office in New Milford at (860) 355-2631.