domestic violence

In the Community

Cramer & Anderson SafeWalk Team Aids Danbury Women’s Center

Cramer & Anderson Partner Jennifer Collins is leading the firm’s effort to raise funds for the Women’s Center of Greater Danbury as part of this year’s virtual SafeWalk event in early October. Ending domestic violence is the mission of the women’s center, which has a goal of raising $70,000 through SafeWalk to support its prevention and crisis intervention programs, as well as


Attorney Miranda Joins Women’s Center of Greater Danbury Board

Cramer & Anderson Attorney Abigail Miranda has been named to the Board of Directors of The Women’s Center of Greater Danbury. “I am honored to join the Board of this established and important organization in our community,” said Attorney Miranda, an Associate with the law firm based in New Milford. Founded in 1975, the Women’s

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