Cramer & Anderson’s team of Tax Law attorneys concentrate on four distinct areas—estate taxes, property tax appeals, the constellation of tax issues for emerging and established business entities, and income tax-related actions affecting individuals and businesses.
The firm’s Estate Planning attorneys review clients’ assets for both their current situation and retirement, and analyze possible estate tax ramifications based on level of income and wealth, before structuring an estate plan that reduces or eliminates any state or federal estate tax. In addition to evaluating tax impacts on the estate planning side, the firm also counsels clients on tax issues that arise from the probate administration process. These areas are detailed on our Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Administration page.
Our Tax Law attorneys are also highly experienced in the range of other tax-related issues affecting businesses and individuals, including IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and state Department of Revenue Services examinations, audits, appeals and enforcement actions.
For business entities, a state action often concerns payment of sales tax, while a federal issue might involve IRS imposition of a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty to encourage prompt payment of withheld income and employment taxes, including social security taxes.
The firm’s tax work for businesses extends to consulting startups on the formation of business entities in a way that provides optimal tax treatment for a company, as well as analyzing income tax ramifications attached to the purchase or sale of a business, and structuring the transaction in the most advantageous way. See our Business, Corporate & Commercial Law page for more information.
For individual clients, we assist with penalties and enforcement actions including issuance of a summons or a Notice of Levy by the IRS. The firm, for example, can also intervene in a matter such as a legal dispute over a deduction the IRS is moving to disallow.
Additionally, the firm represents property owners and municipalities in property tax assessment appeals, in which a taxpayer challenges a town’s or city’s tax assessment valuation of real estate or personal property. Cramer & Anderson’s work in this area includes such notable outcomes as the successful defense by Partners Dan Casagrande and Kim Nolan of Union Carbide Corporation’s appeal of Danbury’s $307 million valuation of its world corporate headquarters. This practice area is detailed on our Municipal Law page.
Connect with one of our Tax Law attorneys for additional information or guidance in determining which Cramer & Anderson attorney is best positioned to handle your particular need.