Attorney Casagrande Elected to Connecticut Bar Foundation James W. Cooper Fellows Program

bar foundationCramer & Anderson Municipal Law Partner Dan Casagrande has been elected a 2023 Fellow of the Connecticut Bar Foundation (CBF) James W. Cooper Fellows Program.

Fellows are nominated by their peers based on outstanding service to the profession and larger community and are elected by the CBF Board of Directors. The 2023 Fellows were announced in the Feb. 9 CBF newsletter.

“We are pleased to recognize our new Fellows for their distinguished services to our legal system and for their commitment to the principles of equal justice and the rule of law,” Timothy Diemand, President of the Connecticut Bar Foundation, said in a news release.

The purpose of the James W. Cooper Fellows Program, now in its 28th year, is to promote a better understanding of the legal profession and the judicial system among the citizens of Connecticut, and to explore ways to improve the profession and the administration of justice, the news release explained.

In addition to lawyers in private practice, the group consists of U.S. Court of Appeals judges, U.S. District Court judges, Connecticut Supreme, Appellate, and Superior Court judges, corporate counsel, attorneys in non-profit associations and legal services agencies, and government lawyers, the news release said. The program also includes law school deans, former deans, and professors of law, past and current leadership of the Connecticut Bar Association and other bar associations, and present and former government leaders.

Programs developed by the Fellows include several speaker series, symposia, roundtable discussions, mentorships, a high school essay contest, and a Fellowship for recent law school graduates. See the CBF website for more information.

About Attorney Casagrande

bar foundation Cramer & Anderson Municipal Law Partner Dan Casagrande won a major antitrust case victory in Connecticut Supreme Court in a case tied to the former Union Carbide property in Danbury.
Attorney Dan Casagrande

Attorney Casagrande practices Municipal Law, as well as Planning & Zoning Land Use, Property Tax Law, and Land Use & Environmental Law. He has served as an outside Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Danbury from 1990 through the present, and has served multiple-year engagements as Town Attorney for New Milford and New Fairfield.

Attorney Casagrande was named to the 2022 Connecticut Super Lawyers list, published in the November issue of Connecticut Magazine. The honor follows earlier prestigious awards, including being named a Marvin J. Glink Private Practice Local Government Lawyer of the Year by the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) in 2019.

In 2018, he was honored as the “Giant Slayer” among Connecticut counsel, a designation bestowed by the Connecticut Law Tribune (CLT) for his Municipal Law work on behalf of towns and cities, notably in high-profile tax appeal cases. In 2021, he was a finalist for the CLT’s Game Changers award.

Read About Attorney Casagrande’s Notable Outcomes in 2022

About the Connecticut Bar Foundation

The Connecticut Bar Foundation’s mission is to facilitate systemic change that advances civil justice for all, regardless of power or resources, to achieve a more just and equitable society. The CBF works to do this by stewarding funding, volunteers, programming, data, innovation, and collaboration to lead and partner in integrated approaches to improving the administration of civil justice.

Specifically, the CBF administers several grant programs that fund the delivery of legal services for Connecticut residents who cannot afford an attorney, including the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts and the Interest on Trust Accounts programs, the Judicial Branch Grants-in-Aid, the Court Fees Grants-in-Aid, and the state’s Right to Counsel program.

About Cramer & Anderson

Cramer & Anderson provides sophisticated legal services, close to home, with regional offices in New Milford, Washington Depot, Kent, Litchfield, Danbury, and Ridgefield. For more information, see the firm’s website or call the flagship office in New Milford at (860) 355-2631.


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